Nice door

They really don't make doors like this any more, do they?
I've had two texts from BT telling me that my broadband will be live before the end of tonight. I'll believe it when it happens.
All we wanted to do was move the phone and broadband account from our flat to our cottage. BT cancelled the flat OK, but to get the phone working int he cottage took five mobile phone calls, each lasting twenty minutes, down by Loch Sunart, the only place I have O2 reception.
Eventually the phone was connected, and we were assured the broadband would follow in five days. It didn't. I rang BT. "What Broadband?", I was asked. They had lost the order. I was transferred to BT homemovers and was cut-off in the process. Twice. Finally, someone started a new order which should be fulfilled tonight. We'll see.
Then I'll be able to download music again. But what would the person who carved this wonderful door for the Society of Musicians have made call centres, BT and broadband?
Or, for that matter, blogging?