Where are the Podcasts?

Duncan at WideBlueYonder.net, who helps me when I get stuck in web-treacle, has told me the Podcast feed from SeaKayakRoutes.com seems to have broken.

Apologies to anyone who is wondering where their podcasts have gone. I will try to fix the feed once my broadband activates (hopefully by Saturday). There are plenty to download directly from the Podcast Library.

But there won't be many more.

Partly it's technical. Apple's iWeb system is making it harder to publish MP3 files, converting them to .MOV files. If you're keen you can read about it here and Apple's 'fix' here.

Mainly it's because I want to do something fresh. I looked at the list of speakers at the SCA Perth Show and realised I've already interviewed the most interesting sea kayakers. While there are plenty of folk I'd like to interview, there aren't enough to return to regular podcasts.

I will fix the feed. It will be worth staying subscribed or dropping back occasionally to see what's new. But the days of three podcasts a month are over for now.