So Here's The Plan

From now until mid-July, this blog will be devoted to our kayaking along Scotland's west coast, from Gigha to the Summer Isles, part of our project. We'd be delighted if you checked back occasionally to follow our progress.

We're carrying with us a Palm Tungsten E2, a folding keyboard and a mobile phone. So when we can get a signal, I'll post an update of our location, sometimes with a photo. However, I can't moderate comments from it, so they'll have to wait until we hit internet cafes. I can't add labels either.

With no internet access the Podcasts at will pause. However, do not miss the one which will go live tomorrow, with Robin Lloyd Jones, the author of Argonauts of the Western Isles which is being re-published with five new chapters. I've just finished reviewing the book, and it's one you will definitely want for your library.

The next Podcast won't go live until mid-July but it will have a video element to it as well as the usual MP3 file.

Please drop in as often as you can. We'll be glad of your company.